
The Bachelor, Who is Lindzi Cox?

Age: 27

Occupation: Business Development Manager

Hometown: Ocala, FL

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
Sombrero - I'm allergic to the sun so it would be good for shade
Pool Float Toys - I love to float in the ocean
My iPhone for its camera app - I love photography

Would you consider yourself adventurous or conservative?
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Bakuten Shoot Beyblade - Lindzi Cox

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The Bachelor, Who is Lindzi Cox?

Age: 27

Occupation: Business Development Manager

Hometown: Ocala, FL

If you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you bring and why?
Sombrero - I'm allergic to the sun so it would be good for shade
Pool Float Toys - I love to float in the ocean
My iPhone for its camera app - I love photography

Would you consider yourself adventurous or conservative?
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